The Troverts: Some Pre-hike Thoughts

“When I’m retired, with time on my hands, not many months from now,
Will my body still be a feelin’ fine, climbing Max Patch with a bottle of wine?
When I hear the A.T. call, will I rush out the door?
Will I still like it? Will I still hike it? When I’m sixty-four…”
-N Trovert

“Last week I went back and re-read our wedding vows. Twice. Absolutely nowhere in there did I find the phrase “Appalachian Trail.” But I guess I’m in, too…
-X Trovert

P.S. I have now added the words “and nobody quits if either one is having a bad day” right after “for richer, for poorer.”

Woody & Cynthia Harrell

Appalachian Trail Class of 2012