On Location:

"Cast Away"

In the middle of nowhere

"Who knows what the tide could bring?"

Well, it was only a couple of hundred miles out of our way…

We travel to the wide open spaces of north Texas to retrace the pickup and return of a certain famous FedEx package, and of course to indulge Woody’s long infatuation with the closing scene of a well-known Tom Hanks movie.

intersection of Texas farm roads 48 & 1268

Closing Scene

Tom Hanks as Chuck Noland

October 2021

Lari White as Bettina Peterson

"You look lost."

"I do?"

"Well, I was just about to figure that out."

"Well, that's 83 South..."

"If you turn right, that'll take you to Amarillo, Flagstaff...


Looking East

"A whole lot of nothing..."

"All the way to Canada."

Returning the unopened

FedEx Package

Bettina's Home - 2000

Arrington ranch -2021

Chance Encounter near Mobeetie, Texas

Here's What They're Saying

"Saved my life."

Half a world away:

"We're lost, Wilson. In an area the size of Texas.""