How our "10% Completed" AT mark passed completely without notice or fanfare
We think we forgot to mention this back on the day we climbed Rocky Top, but there are many AT miles in the Smokies where hikers must share the trail with horses. Although you do have to watch your step, the trail gradient is less steep on the equestrian sections, which we think is not a bad trade-off. We first noticed this when the trail up Rocky Top got much more “rugged” after the “no horses” signs appeared.
Anyway, Pecks Corner Shelter last night had a hitching post and signs instructing “water horses with bucket.” So we were hopeful the route today would feature few water bars and be marked by gradual ups and downs, which would help us make good time. And for the most part we were not disappointed. Then right at dark, here came eight people on horseback riding in who had come from near Cherokee NC and couldn’t make their planned destination for the day, so had decided to bed down at Cosby Knob. The AT: expect the unexpected…
Many hikers commented today on their desire to be through with Great Smoky Mountains National Park, and especially the regulation restricting hikers to shelters. After hearing tales of 52 hikers staying at Icewater Shelter last night (we didn’t get a count on horses), it’s hard to disagree (that shelter is designed to house 12). We had a great hiking day, but won’t mind crossing our first interstate highway tomorrow afternoon. Talk about progress heading north!
[By the next morning we are so fed up with our overnight equestrian neighbors and their completely non-leave-no-trace ways, we can only think unkind thoughts. I mean, brushing your teeth in the water source?!? They leave the shelter area a shambles…]