The Day "Shock" Broke a Tooth, and how we couldn't zip him up about it for the rest of the morning
Plus an afternoon you wouldn't want to describe to friends you were trying to convince to come hike the AT with you...
Shock usually carries the communal first aid kit, while Awe carries the bathroom bag. So you would think with all that extra use of the bathroom bag, if either backpack was going to have trouble with a zipper, it would be Awe, but, no, as we are packing up this morning, we discover a broken tooth has put Shock’s upper pocket out of commission. We make a call to Rob at Outdoor 76 back in Franklin NC, and he starts the process of getting us a replacement from Granite Gear, maybe by Damascus. Although not too excited about it, for a while Awe will carry the first aid bag as well…
The brief overnight showers had come and gone by dawn, but we were still glad not to have to deal with a wet tent. No one at the shelter was moving quickly, and we got a very late (8:45 a.m.) start.
The high point of the day came after a 2,500′ climb up to the lovely spruce forest of Unaka Mountain, which should have been a treat, but as soon as we started the major part of the climb right after lunch, the long predicted 60% rain arrived. The higher we hiked the more we were in it, and there was nothing pleasant about being in sweaty rain gear in a cold rain. Once at the top we were shrouded in a heavy misty fog and feeling the letdown of making a major climb with no reward of a spectacular view. We were glad to start back down and feel the temperature rise one degree with every 330 feet of descent.
We arrived at Cherry Gap shelter about 4:00 p.m. to find a good crowd, the majority of whom were only stopping for a break or dinner. As the weather seemed to be clearing a little, we decided to eat our dinner at the shelter (where there was a great water source), then push on as well. We headed to a campsite four miles ahead past Iron Mountain Gap.
We had second thoughts about our decision as a light rain started again just before the gap, as we contemplated setting up a tent in the rain, but at the top, after 1.2 miles of climbing, we found a flat spot next to the trail just as the rain was stopping for the day. What a joy to climb into a dry tent before dark! We hope for better weather, and a better experience, tomorrow. And if you happen to be reading this trying to decide if you too should attempt an AT thru hike, we suggest you skip over this entry. Not much here in the way of AT promotional material…
From: Curley Maple Gap Shelter (TN)
To: Campsite north of Iron Mountain Gap, (TN)
Today's Miles: 17.2
Total Miles to Date: 363.4
[Our daily elevation profile comes from David "Awol" Miller's 2012 "The A.T. Guide," which we found to be invaluable. Get your updated copy at]
Fellow Travelers
From today’s “Things not to say during your AT Thru Hike” Department: Caught up in the glitter and glitz of Gatlinburg, Hammer said, “If someone would give me that beautiful samurai sword, I’d carry it to Maine with me. “
At least he hasn’t gotten it sharpened yet!