Abol Bridge and Baxter State Park
We got up with Kleenex’s sister Alison (which was not as easy as we make it sound here, in a park with no electricity and hardly any phone coverage, cell or otherwise!) and arranged for her to slack pack us from the Baxter State Park boundary at Abol Bridge to the last campsite we’ll use before summiting mighty Katahdin. Carrying some Gatorade and just a few snacks, we flew down the first and last sections of trail, being slowed only in the middle part by one final stream ford. We signed in at the ranger station, being Northbound thru-hikers #538 and #539. We had been 839 and 840 at Springer Mountain, and 614 and 615 at Harpers Ferry. Last year, Baxter’s total count was 589, and there are still three full weeks left in this year’s hiking season!
We first learned about the Charons in Georgia, and first met them just past the C&O Canal. We would have enjoyed hiking with them more, but multiple zeroes for health issues (both N and Tree Trunk) and our nephew’s July wedding always seemed to keep us a few days apart. Since Connecticut, we have been consistently one or two days behind them, and the beneficiaries of their “trail intel” on conditions ahead. Today as we stood in front of Abol Bridge store, low and behold, they come walking up out of the campground, where they spent the previous night! Tonight we share a six person campsite with them, not ten feet from the AT. Their friend Debbie is taking care of Yo-Yo for Log who is also with us (as dogs are banded from wild primitive Baxter SP), while Alison and Kleenex’s friend Beth are at a cabin about ten minutes away. We all are together for one final meal on the trail, sitting at the first picnic table we’ve seen since Crawford Notch, way back in The White’s. The mood around the table is one of both excitement and melancholy. One final day will bring this great adventure to an end. And that day is here at last…
From: Hurd Brook Lean-to (ME)
To: Katahdin Stream Campground (Baxter State Park, ME)
Today's Miles: 13.5
Total Miles to Date: 2,179.1
[Our daily elevation profile comes from David "Awol" Miller's 2012 "The A.T. Guide," which we found to be invaluable. Get your updated copy at www.theATguide.com]
Be careful what you wish for. We wished we could see a couple of moose while we were in Maine. Until today plenty of moose poop and moose footprints in the soft mud, but no moose. Then we spent some time at the Abol Bridge grocery, which is an official weigh station, on the first day of hunting season and saw two moose in 20 minutes. We wish we hadn’t…